

Supporting Organizations In Their Transition To Electric Vehicles (EV) And ALT Fuel Trucks

"EV Path" program aims to facilitate the shift toward ATL Fuel vehicles, aiding fleets in meeting their sustainability goals while reducing emissions!

As organizations with private fleets face increasing pressure to adopt alternative fuel technologies, the transition to electric trucks represents a significant investment. Understanding the challenges associated with this shift, Fleet Advantage developed its new "EV Path" program for fleets navigating this complex change. Adopting electric trucks is not just an environmental mandate but also a significant financial commitment.

Under the new program, Fleet Advantage will match the monthly payment on the lease of the electric truck, to that of a diesel truck, which represents a more digestible investment level for the fleet. This could represent savings to the fleet of up to $3,000.00 per truck, per month!

The "EV Path" program is designed to bridge the gap between traditional diesel fuel vehicles and the future of alternative fuel-powered transportation.

Offering flexible financing solutions with practicality in mind and fleet services support will empower fleets to make the transition smoothly and effectively!